Booking Questions
The weekend of July 12,13,14th 2024
$437.00 + hst per team. Your team can be 2 to 6 players.
Yes, to book and hold your spot in the game you must pay the entire amount. If you want to discuss this policy, please email us.
Tickets are sold as a team. Your team can be from 2 to 6 players.
We can make adjustments for your situation if this is something you need so that you will still be able to play the game.
If you have to leave before the game ends on Sunday morning, please let us know ahead of time so that we can make arrangements for you to finish the game before you leave.
The price includes live entertainment and interaction over the course of the game. The game begins on Friday night at 7pm with a live action performance. Live interactions continue until Sunday morning when the game reaches its conclusion.
What will I need ?
You will need a car to play the game as you will be driving to locations outside walking distance.
The assistance of a laptop is very handy during the game. You will be required to gather information from the internet. For friendly gameplay, it is recommended that you view it together on a laptop or tablet. If you do not have access to a laptop or tablet, you can access the same information on your smartphone.
You will need a laptop, tablet or smartphone to play the game. You will also need a car. We do not have Uber in Peterborough. You will not need any other equipment.
It is both.
You will have some parts of the game outside and at different local businesses. Other parts take place inside. You have your choice on other parts. Dress for the weather. The game takes place in several locations.
Game Questions
You do not have to run. Some players will choose to run to complete the game more quickly.
We have systems in place where you are able to get assistance if needed.
Other teams will be playing the same game as you are playing, at the same time. Do not let that worry you. The game is designed to play on your own, and their gameplay will not interfere with yours.
We will supply you with a perimeter map so that you will never leave the play area within our city.
This is up to you. There are locations within the city that can be walked to, but you might prefer to drive. There is lots of street parking in the city, along with 3 parking garages. These will be identified on your map.
The game is meant to be exciting. We will never put you purposely in harm’s way.
You can play the game at your own pace. If you want to spend time shopping or sightseeing, please do. Play the game when you want.
Other Concerns
You are welcome to wear your mask throughout the game play. We also supply hand sanitizer to everyone. The gathering at the art auction on Friday night will allow each couple to have their own spacing from others. If you have any special protocols you require, please let us know how we can help.
Escape Maze Incorporated is producing this game. They have nine years of escape room game design experience and have designed over 75 games. Their “event” game customers include Marriott Hotels, Peterborough EX, Hiawatha First Nation Indigenous Day and John Howard Society. They currently hold a 4.9 / 5 Facebook review rating and are listed on Destination Ontario’s “Top Escape Rooms in Ontario”
Location ?
We will supply you with a map of the boundaries of the game. Most of the game interactions are in Peterborough, Ontario, Canada
We want to keep the game a mystery, but be prepared to go beyond the borders of the city of Peterborough.
What’s included ?
This true get-away experience where you get to become the detective and crack the mystery.
Love art?
We have you covered. The game begins Friday night with an art auction. Before you know it, you are involved in a case. Players begin the game as a witness, then become the detective and finally, a treasure hunter all in one game. Its a game but everything feels like you are living a real life detective story.
Love murder mystery nights?
You’ll get some of that too! This adventure really has everything.
We know you are going to love this experience!
This adventure is going to give you a bit of a tour of our community and delight your senses with surprises along the way. You will feel like this was the most fun you’ve had in a long time. You never know what’s next.
All Fun
The game is meant to be enjoyed at your own pace. If you want to run every step of the way, please do. If you want time to take in the sights as you play, feel free to do so.
The Ultimate Package
As much as it is a complete weekend getaway, it’s also a game for those armchair sleuths. You’ll be solving puzzles, putting together crime scene evidence and meeting with spies.
Save the Date
The weekend of July 12, 13, 14th 2024
Presented by Escape Maze Incorporated
$437 per team
Have a Question ?
If you have a question we haven’t covered or want to ask click the button to get to our form.